Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mirror mirror on the wall...

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? Heart pounding, say my name please? Validate my beauty, tell me I am worthy, acceptable, lovely!!! Have you found yourself in this same place looking and searching for acceptance from  an inanimate object, a person, yourself, or maybe even God? I know I have.

Recently I picked back up a book that I read several months ago. It's such a powerful book and addresses the root issue ,the yuckie puckie, "unloving spirit." It is packed full of so many wonderful, valuable truths to help set you on the path of freedom from the unloving spirit that entangles  in a web of lies.

You have to love yourself, and know who God created. The "yuckie puckie" ,(evil spirit), unloving spirit has some friends. Rejection and self- rejection. Chances are you have probably met these two. If you want to be free from these unwanted friends then you have to forgive those who rejected you. You also have to forgive yourself and accept yourself. Next to God, YOU. must be your own best friend. After all, you're kinda stuck with yourself.

Lets identify an unloving spirit....

It sneakily attaches itself to you to make you feel rejected and reject yourself, unworthy, and like you don't measure up.

Here is a little homework assignment for you. Did you cringe? I know, I am not a fan of homework either, but I promise you that this exercise can free you from years of torment.

List everything in your life that is contributing to your rejection, your self rejection, your self hatred, and the unloving spirit that came to you from someone else. List the people and their names. Both dead and alive. Include mom, dad, siblings, pastor, boss....anyone that has violated you in the area of trust and love that has allowed the unloving spirit to rule in your life. This exercise will help you recognize the dynamics in your family tree that are not of God. And for you to identify the areas in your life that are keeping you from freedom.

It's time for you to move on. Forgive and let the Lord take hold of your heart. Reclaim your life. Take authority over this yuckie puckie that has ruled to long in your life.

Don't get stuck in the past. The devil would love nothing more than to keep you stuck in your past and make it your future. So get some attitude with Satan and tell him you are going on without him. Your past DOES NOT dictate your future. Make the decision today to give these yuckie puckies the boot.

There is freedom in Christ available to you. Receive the Love of God.

Fear of man, Fear of rejection, Fear of Failure and Fear of abandonment are fertile ground for the unloving spirit to rule in you.

A penny for your thoughts... If you put a penny in a jar for every negative thought you had about yourself how full would your jar be? Lets look in our thought closets and get rid of those negative, self destructing thoughts that need to be thrown in the garbage.

You can think of it like this.....positive thoughts are like seeds planted in the garden. In order to have a beautiful garden you must plant seeds. The garden becomes beautiful, vibrant, colorful and breathtaking with its array of different flowers. But be careful,the negative thoughts/weeds will come to quickly destroy your garden if you aren't careful.

I pray that as you read this blog post that the Lord revealed Himself to you in a powerful way. There is no greater love than His love. There is freedom for you. Take hold of these truths and do a makeover on yourself. Clean out your closet and get rid of those things that don't belong.

Big hugs from me to you!!!

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