Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to Get More Done in Less Time

Do you feel that you are always running in circles being pulled in a million different ways. I often feel like I am on a hamster wheel running and running and getting nowhere. Can anyone relate?
Well, below I  have listed 15 steps to Get MORE done in LESS time written by the mastermind Dr. John C. Maxwell.

  • Never begin the day until is is finished on paper
  • Learn to say NO
  • Apply the 80/20 principle in everything
  • Spend your greatest amount of time with the smallest number of people
  • Identify your limit factor
  • Know what you want to accomplish
  • Understand that "spending your time" is not a metaphor
  • To make a day count make each minute count
  • Realize that lost time is never found again
  • Have a positive mental attitude
  • Let your long-term perspective determine your short term priorities
  • Ask yourself " why am I on the payroll"
  • Create large chunks of time
  • Put pressure on yourself
  • Be self disciplined

So, try applying a couple of these rules and see how you can easily get more accomplished and be way more productive with your day!!!

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