Soul-tox a detox for your soul:
Breaking wrong soul ties is one of the hardest things to do. A soul tie, is an emotional bond or connection that you have with someone one. Maybe you are in a wrong relationship that you know the Lord is telling you to get out off? Or a toxic friendship that is dragging you down? Soul ties are powerful, deceiving, tormenting and keep you entangled in a destructive web. When you spend a lot of time with someone and share yourself with that person emotionally, or physically, you expereince soul ties. When that relationship ends you might experience pain, anguish, misery, and anxiety over that ended relationship. Well, honey, it is time to break free from that wrong attachment and stop reliving the memories from that relationship. All you see are memories and hurt, but God sees the BIG picture. A tormented mind is not a mind of Christ. He wants to set you free once and for all!!! I read in a book Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories by Terri Savelle Foy this quote, " God will not advance your instructions beyond your last act of obedience. If you're crying out for freedom from your past, and you want God to show you His will for your life, I have the answer. Go back to the last thing He told you to do and check to see if you did it. If you didn't, He will keep taking you back to it until you finally decide that God's way is the only true way to true life. "
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