Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Recipe for happy healthy Kids!

Frank  Luntz is an American political consultant, pollster, and Republican Party strategist. His most recent work has been with the Fox News Channel as a frequent commentator and analyst, as well as running focus groups after presidential debates. I had the privilege of hearing him speak at a conference recently.  Look at the checklist below and see if you are providing a nourishing  environment for a happy, healthy child.

  1. Do you have dinner with your kids? You already know how passionate I am about this subject.
  2. Do you take them to church. Kids will learn how to behave and show respect better towards themselves and others.
  3. How often do you check your child's homework? This shows that you care about them.
  4. Do you go on trips with your family? Put away the phone and have real and meaningful conversation with your kids? Whats their best friends name? Their teachers name? Do you know the answer to these simple questions?
  5. Do your kids tell you the truth of where they are going?
  6. Do they participate in a team sport? So many important facets can be learned through playing team sports.
So, ask yourself these questions. If some areas need a little tweaking then why not start now? It's never to late to make changes. =)

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