Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whats for dessert?

I got creative and came up with a recipe for a chocolate, strawberry "crepe." Best part was that it was only 104 cals opposed to a real nutella and strawberry crepe being 390 whopping cals.
  • Ingredients-
  • 1 whole wheat low carb tortilla
  • 1/8 cup part skim ricotta cheese
  • cocoa powder
  • packet of stevia
  • Walden Farms Chocolate Sauce
  • Spray butter
1)Spray pan and place tortilla in the pan. Spray the tortilla with spray butter and sprinkle with cocoa powder and stevia. Flip occasionally so both sides are browned and have cocoa powder.
2) place ricotta cheese on one side of the tortilla,  then drizzle with Walden Farms Chocolate sauce, fold edge of tortilla over ,and then let the cheese melt slightly.
3) then take the "crepe" out of the pan, drizzle with more chocolate sauce and top with desired fruit.


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